Writing and Stress
Writing and Stress: A Plethora of Hats or is it Grumble and Gripe? There are hundreds of ways of approaching the topic, writing and stress. While thinking of all the ways to tackle the WOL focus for the 9/20 issue, I got even more stressed. In fact, I'm so overwhelmed, I couldn't even decide which […]

Writing and Stress: A Plethora of Hats or is it Grumble and Gripe?

There are hundreds of ways of approaching the topic, writing and stress. While thinking of all the ways to tackle the WOL focus for the 9/20 issue, I got even more stressed. In fact, I'm so overwhelmed, I couldn't even decide which title to use so I used both (A Plethora of Hats or is it Grumble and Gripe). I decided to blow off some steam and turn this into a grumble and gripe article. I guess I'm grumbling and griping because I wear so many hats. Who knows? It has been an interesting summer for me. What pushed me over the edge this week was an innocuous comment by a friend whose only real concern in life is how to spend her husband's money. Her mate is leaving her and is supplying her with boodles of cash. Some of us wear many hats. Most of my summer has been spent setting up a classroom in a new charter school preparing and planning to teach reading to inner city students who are 80% below poverty level. I've met all 220 students and I love them all. We, as teachers, have our work cut out for us. Each day, I have a minimum of six lesson plans to prepare for various grade levels and individual learning styles. And this is just the tip of the iceberg. Both of my parents have serious health issues. Mom is 86 years old and Dad is 93. I've been to and from Florida twice to set up services in the event my parents need full-time in home care. I live in New York State. Each visit is a labor of love as I take on the responsibilities of long distance elder care. When I came home from Florida Wednesday evening, I took my husband into the hospital for a liver biopsy the next morning and was back teaching school on Friday. Between Florida and Tom's liver biopsy an article was due to WOL. I tried sending it on time but my Mom's antiquated computer wouldn't cooperate. That didn't exactly help my stress level. Other hats are worn daily. I make sure to spend time with my children and grandchildren. My two horses have taken a back seat this month with all the new changes in my life. Today, I was going out to the barn to spend relaxing, quality time with "Sadie" and "Silver" only to be kept waiting in the doctor's office for over an hour which cut into my time at the barn. I walked out, but only after pointing out how their office could be run more efficiently. Needless to say, I am changing doctors and the horses will have to wait until tomorrow, further adding to the strain in my life. So, when my about-to-be-divorced friend called me this evening, while I was focused on writing student reports, upset because she couldn't have her nails done on the day and time of her choice, I wanted to punch her lights out. I have many roles. I am a daughter, wife, mother, grandmother, friend, teacher, equestrienne, writer, and artist. Someone called me Mother Earth the other day. I like that moniker. Which brings me to a more positive note. I am always grateful for my health, the ability to be able to do all the things I do well, the support of my wonderful family and friends and the fact that I woke up on this side of the sod this morning. Oh by the way, one of the most important things I do to relieve stress is write. Thanks for letting me gripe and grumble. One other thing; we only have to think of the victims who perished in Louisiana, and Mississippi and our young, handsome soldiers who are fighting a losing war in 110 degree heat to really appreciate having stress in the first place. Keep smiling!

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