The Curmudgeon’s Commentary
Children Say It Like It Is: Finding The Next Curmudgeon I love my job! Teaching is the world's greatest profession. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't laugh myself silly over some of the conversations I have with 5-7 year old students. Art Linkletter was right when he said, "kids say the […]

Children Say It Like It Is: Finding The Next Curmudgeon

I love my job! Teaching is the world's greatest profession. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't laugh myself silly over some of the conversations I have with 5-7 year old students. Art Linkletter was right when he said, "kids say the darndest things." I just completed screening for reading placement with the primary grade youngsters, giving me the opportunity to get into some interesting chitchat with them. These kids are engaging, perceptive and honest. Being in their company is both refreshing and entertaining, and I feel blessed to be part of their lives. Below are five questions I asked the children. I jotted down some, not all (unfortunately), of their responses. I know you'll enjoy their comments as much as I did. The advantage I have over you readers is seeing their facial expressions, which can be as comical, if not more so, than their responses. Try to imagine their expressions and demeanor as they answer the following questions. Question: Where do you think milk comes from? Responses: -"the grocery store" -"the refrigerator" -"I'm not sure." -"I think - a cow." -"Who cares - I don't like milk." (Sounds like the makings of a curmudgeon.) Question: Most of the milk we drink comes from a cow. How do you get milk from a cow? Responses: -"Yuk, that's gross!"                         -"H-m-m - let me think about that."                         -"You would have to be fast."                         -"I don't know, but I think cows are smelly."                         -"You squeeze it's squashes." -"No, silly, squash is something that comes from a plant and I don't like that either."(Definitely curmudgeon material.) Question: What is your favorite food? Why? Responses: -"Jelly beans because they make my tongue turn colors."                         -"Milk with chocolate in it because it tastes good."                         -"Anything sweet because it makes me smile." -"Pretzels because me and my brother like to stick them up our nose." -"10 guzillion pieces of candy all for me just because I said so. (My assistant curmudgeon.)   Question: Would you share your favorite food with anyone? Responses: -"Sure. Jelly beans. I laugh at other people who have funny colored tongues and they laugh at me. It's fun.  -"I would share my chocolate milk with a friend. We could put two straws in one glass. -"I guess so - should I? I'd rather share with my dog." -"Sure. Like I said, me and my brother like to share pretzels. We build stuff with them and then eat them. -"No sharing! I'll hide the candy under my bed. No one would ever find it. My Mom never cleans under there." (This six-year-old is more curmudgeonly than I am and very savvy.) Question: What is your least favorite food? Why? Responses:                         -"Broccoli because it stinks." -"Definitely spinach because it's gross and I don't like the color of green. -"Milk without chocolate because it tastes weird." -"The cat's food. I tried it once when no one was looking. It was awful." Why did you want to try it? "The cat liked it so I thought it would be good. But it was bad stuff." -"Soda pop because it makes me burp. And I burp loud.Then people look at me funny." I'm looking forward to getting to know these students better. Their frank approach to life is a lesson for all of us to learn. As comical as they can be, their comments are also thought provoking. They are delightful little people who say things we wish we could say, but don't have the nerve. Or they say things we think about but never verbalize. Which is probably a good thing. Next time you have an opportunity to sit next to a 5-7 year old, engage him/her in conversation. I promise you'll come away with a new lease on life. You may even find the next curmudgeon. I have! Enjoy summer! Suggested Reading: Kids Say the Darndest Things